About us
bagsmethat.com is a UK based domain sales website specialising in selected categories of domain names.
Secure payments and transfers
For peace of mind and security, we use Sedo.com escrow services for all domain transfers and payments. This ensures 100% safe and secure transactions by international experts in the domain services industry, all fees are paid by us. Security and peace of mind for customers is important to us.
Stay in control of your business
Social media and other platforms may be essential for marketing, but if your business is platform based only, it is on someone else’s website and they ultimately control your business. Having your own website, means you stay in control.
Choosing a domain name
Choosing the right domain name is vital to the success of your online presence, don’t make do, give your venture a solid foundation to build on.
Our domains
Our domains have the end user in mind, that’s what we are about. Most of our domains are keyword rich and generic in their field, all of them are unique and once you own one its yours, with only a small renewal fee to pay each year. More importantly, your competition won’t own it.
We–don’t–do–domains–with–dashes, as they are confusing and a poor substitute for the domain you couldn’t get.
Our domains are displayed in a way that allows the personality of the name to shine through, the essence of what they represent so to speak. The visual side is just one component, how it sounds is another. The domain will be spoken as well as written, word of mouth is important. There are many facets to a domain.
© bagsmethat.com 2024